Troubadour Westkust

Troubadour Westkust


Brouwerij The Musketeers Troubadour Westkust Brewery: Brouwerij The Musketeers

Type: Black IPA (American Black Ale)

Alcohol: 9.2%

Country: Belgium

I love a good black IPA, pretty rare on these parts so I jumped at the chance to get this one. Pours a very dark brown, not quite black but still dark. Huge slightly off white head of a good two or two and a half fingers. The smell is of rich chocolate and hop bitterness. It reminds me of the smell bitter baking chocolate gives off.  The taste is huge roasted flavor and big bitter bite. The taste is of a really big imperial stout, huge roasted malt flavor with dark chocolate, coffee and a bit of caramel sweetness. This is offset by a subtle citrus and floral spice underneath and of course the big bitterness from the hops.


švyturys Ekstra

švyturys Ekstra

Punk IPA

Punk IPA