Pick Axe IPA

Pick Axe IPA


Tommyknocker Pick Axe IPA

Brewery: Tommyknocker

Type: IPA

Alcohol: 6.2%

Country: USA

So about two years ago I was visiting my brother in the US. He lives in Kalamazoo, well known for craft beer in Michigan. We went to a store with a massive beer selection in order to get a big range of beers for a tasting of dark beers. Now the guy helping us recommended a couple of different tommyknocker beers. Now they didn't make a very big impression on me, but they did make it so I could not resist grabbing this off the shelf at a local store to give this brewery another shot.

Pours a clear but relatively dark orange/amber color. I can see my window through it. Started off with a decent almost one finger white head, but that dissapated quickly. Tiny bit of lacing but not leaving a lot of trace behind. Smell is very sweet, a lot of malt but there is also some juicy malt in there. Tropical fruitiness and caramel sweet, it is not the best smelling IPA I have ever had but it is nice and inviting. The taste is pretty malt centric, sweet and bready. The hops are there as a bit of fruit juice and citrus, but pretty muted. Not very bitter and has a little bit of a harsh alcohol aftertaste. Mouthfeel is thin and highly carbed. Not my favorite IPA but decent overall. I guess this breweries beers are doomed to just go in my "meh" column. 7/10

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